Welcome to Top10Archive! YouTube is like any social media site, and with any social media site, there is a community. The more you get sucked into it, the more you find yourself making friends, finding idols, and frequently enjoying another’s work. That level of connection, however, can be severed by the sad reality that life isn’t permanent. For this somber Archive, we’re honoring the ten biggest YouTube stars and starlets that were tragically ripped from the community they helped build.

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10. Daniel Kyre
9. Myk Friedman
8. Kitty0706
7. Jam Sebastian
6. Yoteslaya
5. Edd Gould
4. Connie Kin (WhatsUpMoms)
3. Talia Castellano
2. Caleb Logan Bratayley
1. Christine Grimmie


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Twitter: @JimDenisonVoice
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  1. Top10 I hope you see this comment, I enjoyed this video because it did
    honor those who worked so hard to give us entertainment. keep up the good

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