Welcome to Top10Archive! We live in a vast world, one that seems to get bigger and bigger the more we traverse it. Each year, researchers and curious minds exploring the globe happen across species of animals that we didn’t know existed the year prior. These incredible creatures were among those newly found throughout 2016.

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10. Microhyla Laterite
9. Graciliella Kosovaci and Ozimeci
8. Scolopendra Cataracta
7. Bothriechis Nubestris
6. Cryptomaster Behemoth
5. Myrmecina Magnificens
4. Pheidole Drogon
3. Barreleye Fish
2. Kankuamo Marquezi
1. Gasteruption Wasps


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  1. Lovely new little animals/insects that humans will kill later. Meh, nothing new humans kill everything. (Hope this doesnt become a stupid argument like my last comment)

  2. the warrior wasp should have a place on this list, the new has a more powerful sting than the bullet ant, and was just discovered

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