In 2008, the world was given one of television’s most revered series’ that followed a down-on-his-luck, hard-headed chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin. For five years, Breaking Bad dominated ratings and earned over 110 awards and 262 nominations, becoming almost as successful as Walter White’s supply of the blue stuff itself. Since the show ended, did its impressive cast move on from sordid storylines of meth and deception or did their careers meet the same fate as Heisenberg’s? This episode of Where Are They Now? aims to answer that question!


  1. How are you like this “Where Are They Now?” series?! Is there anyone you’ve wondered about lately? Let us know and we’ll see what they’re up to!

  2. Aaron Paul also did a movie called need for speed in which he played the lead. He and the movie sucked tho

    • Diogenes the Cynic Was there a small core cast of characters? I think Lost would be a great WATN, just wondering if we need to cover 15 different actors and actresses 😉

  3. RJ Mitte looks exactly like Daniel Day Lewis as Christy in My Left Foot, coincidently a character with severe Cerebral Palsy.

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