Tasty, but with somewhat of a sour aftertaste. For this list, we’re looking at chiefly enjoyable films that squander most of their good work with a disappointing third act. Given our focus on movie endings, please note that spoilers will be included. Our list includes “Signs” (2002), “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012), “I Am Legend” (2007), “Source Code” (2011), “War of the Worlds” (2005), and more! Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Good Movies with Bad Endings.

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10) “Source Code” (2011)
9) “Burn After Reading” (2008)
8) “Sunshine” (2007)
7) “War of the Worlds” (2005)
6) “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012)
5) “Signs” (2002)
4) “I Am Legend” (2007)
3, 2 & 1???

#MovieEndings #Movies #Disappointment

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  1. Seems like yesterday, the individual who did this video woke up on the wrong side of the bed. WatchMojo should be anything but a critic. The ending to Lucy makes sense to someone who doesn’t believe in God, I understood that. The ending to A.I. was necessary because of what David wished for. This video honestly derailed at #6 when they brought up The Dark Knight Rises. Okay, I have heard mixed reviews on the movie, but most would agree, the ending was more than satisfactory. So, Catwoman actually served the final bullet to Bane, but he got one HARD whoopin’!! That’s one of those movie moments I get pumped up with every time I watch TDKR.

  2. How could you rag on the ending of “War of the Worlds” and not include “The Mist”?

  3. I’d say most of these are not bad but people just increasingly want things there own way so it’s a failure of imagination and general unwillingness to be satisfied – which is not a bad thing either because it may inspire some to create their own art instead of just bitching about others.

  4. Sweet? What are you talking about? AI is an EXTREMELY dark movie. The protagonist is thrown away by his family, and only wants to become a real boy so he can reunite with then, which will never happen. Then we see that the world of the movie is a hell scape for AIs, where sentient beings are literally treated like garbage. He survives to see a better future for AIs only because he was frozen for thousands of years, but it’s hard to forget all of the tortured AIs that didn’t get that chance.

  5. I liked ending of Dark knight, War of Worlds, and Superman. They are classics in my opinion. I agree with other movies.

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