Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Decades ago, if you mentioned a cursed image, you could have been seen as a bit of a nut. It would have been seen as a type of niche superstitious belief in witchcraft or black magic. Now, if you Google “cursed images” you’ll get a variety of totally absurd photos that incite all types of questions. “Where did this happen?”, “Who is that?”, “Why are they doing that?” among others. They look like photos that have been doctored in some way but you can’t figure out how, though they’re apparently real. So, seeing as we couldn’t hold curiosity at bay, we put together the Top 10 Strange Images That Will Keep You Up At Night for you to stare at for a really long time.

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Voice Over Talent:

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  1. #10, look closer at the dude in the suit the suspicious position their hand’s in…..seems to me he’s holding and hiding a gun…. o.o

  2. Your voice would be perfect for the next Optimas Prime. When Peter Cullin stops voicing the iconic role. You would be perfect.

  3. One other thing you are missing in the clown photo is the person standing on the left side of the photo you can plainly see the arm hanging down and see the leg or the pants so it makes me think there is 2 pictures in one.

  4. My theory is that you can plainly see the guy in the suit is the minister that is performing the funeral ceremony. NOT THE BROTHER…..

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