Top 10 Improvised or Makeshift Weapons In Video Games
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The strangest weapons in video games are often the most effective. All sorts of games let you craft your own weapons or use objects that were never meant to be instruments of destruction in the first place. Everything from a plastic bag to a sword hooked up to a car battery can be effective in video games, so what is the deadliest weapon that the player impsovises with? Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the top 10 makeshift weapons in video games.

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#10. Plastic Bag
#9. Head Whip
#8. The Penetrator
#7. Splat Roller
#6. HiFidelity
#5. Bumper Sword
#4. The Head of Helios
#3, #2 & #1: ???

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  1. I knew Dead Rising will be in the list
    But I wonder what weapon would it be
    The he said *EVERYTHING*

  2. In Earthworm Jim 3D and Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins, you can use
    a chicken firing eggs out of her as a gun

  3. Improvised weapon? Why not Zoidberg? No but really how about the
    improvisation stick in Kingdom Hearts 356 1/2 days? (I don’t remember what
    it’s called. Anyone?).

  4. “Flooded the world by killing Poseidon, killed off all plant life by
    killing Hera…”

    You don’t kill Hera until a few hours AFTER killing Helios. It’s like you
    didn’t even play the game.

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