Another Top 10 Surprisingly Overpowered Anime Characters
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You’ve ALSO gotta hand it to these heroes and villains, they’re way more powerful than they look. Join Ashley for this list as we are looking at shows like Black Clover, One Punch Man, Dragon Ball Super, Hinamatsuri, How NOT to Summon a Demonlord, Re:Zero, That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken), Hunter x Hunter, Monogatari Series, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and many more to count down which is the very best at hiding their power level. Which weakling (looking) person is the most broken? Kale? Saitama? Find out here!

#10. Charmy
#9. Krebskulm
#8. Hina
#7. Puck
#6. Shinobu Oshino
#5. Isaac Netero
#4. Rimuru Tempest
#3. Kale
#2. Saitama
#1. Haruhi Suzumiya

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  1. Who would win in a fight?

    A skeleton sorcerer with the capability of god like Magic including control of time and space or One Slimy Boi?

  2. I believe Shinobu should have gone higher on the list, taking in account she basically destroyed the world… killing monsters, demons, even gods in the process…

    Not as high as Saitama or Haruhi tho… those are overkill.

  3. The car from the beyonder they want you get hired with the duty of wrote the Marvel Universe wants you here than this universe for making sure what’s going on space god of the universe they can be going with them at least.

  4. You did not add grand zenoh from dbs.he is the greatest example for overwhelming power in a weak looking body

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