If our beloved video games never existed how would the world be different? Would it be worth living?!?

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  1. You didn’t mention the video game crash of 1983 which could’ve ended gaming forever and Fortnite and BLOPS 4 means it could happen again

  2. People use new technology (like computers) for two things: Games and Sex so it’s very likely that even without that fresh dude we still had some kind of PC games. People play dice and board games for centuries or even millennia. One of the first “home consoles” were even board games you could play on your TV. Maybe we would live in a world without Pong but I highly doubt in world w/o digital games.

  3. First thing I thought of after reading title was “be more productive”, lol.

    Vid games obviously would’ve been invented along w/ the PC revolution tho since games are simply software. Pinball only helped it exist before then

  4. Imagine a world without pornography. So many men like me would not get a chance to stare at the vulvas and assholes of beautiful women. That would not be good.

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