Top 10 Scary Real Life Demon Encounters
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Hey everyone welcome back to most amazing top 10 I’m your host Che Durena. How many of you out there believe in supernatural happenings, like ghost, demons or other unexplained terrors? Well I’m sure if you weren’t just a little bit curious you wouldn’t be here at all. So for you I’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 scary real life demon encounters. I feel like we don’t even need to put scary in this one. Who meets a demon and is like he was a pretty chill guy. As always make sure you like comment subscribe and hit the little notification bell and make sure you stay for number one because it sounds like it was pulled right out of a horror movie. without taking any longer lets get into it.

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Hosted By:
Che Durena:

Video Edited By:
Theresa Morozovitch:

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  1. Yep, I used to live in a house where one lived in the basement where a older lady lived on the top floor with the bedrooms. With her there the thing couldn’t get out of the basement. Plus I’ve met a few witches with demons attached to them. Life’s crazy, I don’t envy them in the slightest. Demons are not fun.

  2. Yay! It’s Che! I’ve been wondering where he was. Really love his presenting style. Very chill, and natural.

  3. 3:53 yep i did that while playing cards i was told not to risk getting an ace, face card, and face card i risked it and got a face card and i won

  4. Ok I know this is strange and that I’m really weird, but I have demons as friends. They are with me everyday. They are always there for me. I’m never in any danger with them and they help me out. They have told me to prepare for things that actually end up happening. They told me my cat would die 5 days late my cat dies at 3 am and now is my demon pet . His sport has tooken a sold from in another cat that’s identical.

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