Mojo Reacts – Walking Dead Season 8 Finale
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What did you think about The Walking Dead season finale? Our panel of Walking Dead fans talk about their reaction to the season 8 Walking Dead finale, all the good and the bad. Negan and Rick finally face off in the showdown Walking Dead fans have waited years for, and if you watched the episode you can’t miss our in-depth discussion.

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    • the heck are you guys talking about? They’re not plotting to kill Rick and Michonne. The were plotting to kill Negan. How on earth do you get them plotting to kill Rick?

    • ??? *ТƠКЕNS* ► [ ] ◄ *ТОKENS* ???
      ??? *TƠКENS* ► [ ] ◄ *ТОКЕNS* ???
      ??? *TƠКЕNS* ► [ ] ◄ *ТOКЕNS* ???

      *P̣аvȯС̣oin* is а c̣rурtоcurrеncy fȧcilitаting trаnsȧсtions in ⱣАVО ėc̣ȯsуstėm bėtwėеn grоwers, prȯduсеrs, innȯvаtоrs, rėtȧilеrs аnd serviсе р̣rȯvidėrs. *PAVО* will use smȧrt сȯntrаcts tо suᵽᵽоrt thе fоrwаrd sаlė of сrȯps, аnd tо sеc̣urėtrȧnsасtiоns thrоugh the mȧrkėtp̣lȧc̣е. *Вlȯсkс̣hаin* ᵽоwеrеd *РAVƠ* agriсulturаl mаrkėtр̣lаc̣ė will аllȯw аll thе раrtic̣ip̣ants оf thе ėсоsystеm сonvėniеntlу tradе qualitу vеrified аgriс̣ulturȧl рrоducts using *P̣AVОс̣оin* ȧs а sеttlėmеnt tоol.

  1. I really only continue to watch it anymore is because I’ve dedicated so much time up to this point lol

    Furthermore, I am surprised it hasn’t turned into another lost type series. But it kind of feels the same as Lost became to be.

  2. Lol. They talk about the show like people who look at their phones during the show and only look up when something loud happens. Smh. Didn’t connect Rick sparing Negan with Carl at all.

  3. Rosita was over Abe , she even tried to take Megan out herself last season so by now she knows her place.

  4. You said, “ I’ll give it one more shot” once again,,, your not worthy of this show, please stop watching

  5. 2) Maggie,Daryl and Jesus are NOT planning to “murder” rick and michonne, they think that they were wrong for saving negan and are planning to kill negan,

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