Innocuous items can be found all throughout our homes, but are they as harmless as we think they are? This simple garage-sale vase looks benign, but though it may not be inherently wicked, can we be sure that it didn’t pass through malevolent hands or has some vile past? Generally, we trust the things we surround ourselves with, but the following three tales of innocent-looking cursed objects are going to have you questioning whether your stroke of bad luck is a coincidence, or attached to something in your home. You may question the validity behind the concept of curses, but that shouldn’t stop you from determining which of these supernatural tales are inspired by fact… or fiction.

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  1. 3 for 3 again. Love the stories and love the series. Time to make it a channel of its own in…3 more eps I think.

  2. story two is fact… can’t remember what plantation in Louisiana but a slave accidentally killed the mother and two children.

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