Does this topic fascinate or terrify you? Well, this list was actually inspired by the team at Unveiled. Check out the link below for their take on the melting ice caps, and the growing threat of climate change.
10 Things That Would Happen If the World’s Ice Melted
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A real life waterworld would be even worse than the movie. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most dramatic consequences of the polar ice caps and glaciers suddenly melting. WatchMojo counts down 10 Things That Would Happen If the World’s Ice Melted.

Does this topic fascinate or terrify you? Well, this list was actually inspired by the team at Unveiled. Check out the link below for their take on the melting ice caps, and the growing threat of climate change. Check it out here:

If you’re interested in climate change and what’s putting the Earth at risk, check out our other videos on the Top 10 Dangers Facing Our Planet: , Top 10 Ways the World Might End (in the Next 100 Years): and Top 10 Cities That’ll Be UNDERWATER Sooner Than You Think: .

10: Antarctica Might Become Habitable for Humans
9: Australia Would Get an Inland Sea
8: Atlantic Inlets in South America
7: Droughts in Africa
6: Wild Weather
5: The World’s Biggest Cities . . . Gone
4: The Disappearance of Whole Countries

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  1. Does this topic fascinate or terrify you? Well, this list was actually inspired by the team at Unveiled. Check out the link below for their take on the melting ice caps, and the growing threat of climate change.

    • It is a myth. The government is crazy a few years ago when we had cooler temperatures they said that there was going to be another Ice Age now we’re having warmer temperatures and they’re saying it’s global warming. They realize that they’re crazy and now they’re just calling it climate change. I went to a seminar with a meteorologist and he has studied this his whole life he said that the weather comes in waves maybe you’ll be warmer for a few years or colder for a few years so we may be in a warmer patch that does not mean to pull the ice caps are going to melt and we’re going to have flooding in the world’s going to come to an end. Just relax and enjoy your life.

    • +Everything Gaming
      I am 66 years old so I will not witness the event, but yes, I do understand what you mean. I have grandchildren so obviously I am concerned for their future primarily, but also for the whole of humanity.

    • Brian George well actually (depending on your age and well.. life) you will see it. By the year 2100, sea levels will have risen by nearly 1 metre (which is a lot) not the same amount of damage in the video but still enough damage to cause damage

  2. To dipshits saying climate change is a natural event, yeah you’re right, so is evolution, but that won’t stop a certain group of hominids from messing around with it, as both events are happening much faster and chaotically than they normally would/should because of us. Plus, it’s a fun challenge to stop a massive disaster from happening, just like how we took up the challenge to get to the moon or Mars. And should we fail, we will face our consequences/ impending doom, rather than run into bunkers or airships, and we shall pass the torch to whatever dominant species that exceeds us, just as the non-avian dinosaurs and many other Mesozoic flora and fauna passed the torch onto us mammals.

  3. that’s one thing that so many pieces of fiction get wrong. if all the ice melted it wouldn’t be enough water to flood the entire world. the water would have to reach Everest to do that which just cannot happen.

  4. Too bad Obama gave up during the Paris Agreements and just decided China and the rest of Asia can have fun fucking up the world. Thanks Liberalism!

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