Just how smart are you compared to the smartest countries in the world?

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  1. In uk we have the top colleges and top thinkers in history like Shakespeare and lots more we are smarter then all of them

  2. I think the title of the video a bit misleading. Yes, you can push it into the frame of translations, but hear me out.
    Word ‘smart’ sounds similar to ‘clever’, ‘shrewd’, ‘wily’ and so on.
    Word ‘Intelligence’ sounds similar to ‘wiseness’ and ‘knowledge’.
    In my opinion, those two groups are not the same.
    For example, you can’t say: Politicians are stupid.
    Because they are not. They are clever, shrewd, wily, treacherous and similar. They have lack of intelligence, wiseness and knowledge, and that is why they make bad decisions.

  3. Being educated is not the same thing as being smart. Example: a person can be a rocket scientist but be dumb enough to not know how to change a wheel on a car.

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