Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Remember in 2012 when everyone thought the world was ending? And, you know, the dozens of other times before and after that? Well, if you look through the many mythologies of the world, you’ll find so many different ways the world was – or is – slated to end that we just aren’t paying attention to. Not sure if that’s more or less of a comfort… but here are ten of those ways for your viewing pleasure!

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    • At day of judgement which is already mention in quran some signs are already exposed thts why day by day people accepting islam…my family also one of them…

  1. very amusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!world has ended many years ago, many times….it would be improvement if changes has been made to see how world may end from todays mentality point of sense….most of it is religious viral glitch!!!!!!!!!!how ’bout aliens taking over human race or space bacteria wiping out human race…..hhhhmmmm….now that can be 2020 cheezy sci-fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I’m excited for the end of the world because there will be so much to look forward to.
    – donnie darko.

  3. If the world would end that’ll be fine with me! It’s not like we can do anything about it, right? If it happens, welp… it happens! Thanks for the vid, T10A! 😀

  4. The world can NOT end,because God made it and love everyone. But everyone will dead but people are still geting born

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